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021 - How to Run a Business For the Long Term with Jay Williams
Starting a business is hard. Keeping it running for more than 30 years is extremely difficult. Raise your pinkies because in this episode, we’re joined by Jay Williams to discuss the secrets of running a long term business.
Jay Williams
Brian Meert
Duke of Digital
Starting a business is hard. Running a business for over 30 years is even more difficult. Raise your pinkies because today we're joined by Jay Williams to show you how to run a business for the longterm
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Speaker 1:grow your business. Here's your host, Brian Mitt. All right. I'm excited today because we have Jay from genetics training. Hello, my brother. Good to be here. Thank you so much for joining us on the show. Now I'm excited because you are a teacher. Yes. A speaker. Yes. A motivator and the owner of genetics training Academy, correct? That's correct. I'm in and you have been for over 30 years. That's correct. So you have run a successful business, uh, through ups and downs and recessions and, uh, good times and bad times. I, I'm just excited for you to be able to share some of your tips today. Now you have worked with celebrities like Eddie Murphy, Wayne Brady. Yes. Joey Lawrence, the pointer sisters. Kim Whitley, smokey Robinson, and the Olsen twins. Ted Riley, like the list goes on and on and on. Yes, it is. Did I miss anything? I tell me. Well, you know what's, what's crazy? A lot of times when you work with different celebrities, you don't sit there and think about who I've worked with because they're people and I deal with them on a people level. So when they come into Jim, Antwan Frukwan, good, good dude. A training day, a director, um, he trains with me all the time, you know, and his wife, uh, Layla were shot at one time. She trained with me as well. But at the end of the day, when you keep working with different people, you're not thinking like their celebrity. You're thinking, Hey man, these are regular people. And they like the fact that I don't see them that way. Yeah. They liked. Now one of the things, now you have appeared on Fox news. Yes. The Sharon Osborne show B E T people magazine. Yes. To your wellness. Can you explain to the listeners a little bit about genetics training Academy, where it is, how it works and why they need to come check you out? Absolutely. And I appreciate that. Well, one of the biggest things about, you know, running this training Academy is because we want to teach and the biggest thing missing and training is teaching. Okay. No one's actually taking the time to teach. You walked in gyms before and you see somebody doing something weird and you're like, no, I'm not even trained. But that's kind of weird. That guy's swinging over there. Okay. From, from the bars. Okay. And there was no bars over there. Okay. And no one's saying anything because he's a member. Right. J net is training Academy.
Speaker 3:We teach, we actually prize, we have awards. We have contest where they're actually rewarded on stage. In other words, when you do your 90 day program at genetics, you get onstage, you get onstage with your, uh, well I should say for the men they have on their shorts and for women, they have uh, a beginning. Okay. And you get to see the results. And I've done that from day one. Some people are terrified to come, but that when they understand what I'm trying to teach and what I'm trying to show them is for a whole lifestyle to be cohesive. And that I understand. So one of the biggest things is running a business like this is it is tricky because it's unlike the norm, right? Everything got talked about. Everything I teach is unlike the norm. No bread, no cheese, no milk, no dairy, no pasta. What, what are you talking about? What am I going to eat? Well, if you're just eating that, that's why you're awake, right? So it makes sense. So the biggest piece is, is to teach people and nobody's teaching them. Everybody wants to sell you something. Hey, you want to know my tips on water? Tune in. No dog. Come on. Just tell me about water. You know what I mean? Give it to me. So, because a lot of times when you, now I understand the word content. When you give your content away, in other words, I call it information, right? You give information away, people get the chance to see that you care about them, right? And that's what's missing. Now we, we've gotten out of caring about another person. Hey, I can iron that shirt for you, but tune in and I'll give you some special stuff that I'll iron it for you. You know? It's like, wait a minute, man. When do we say, Hey here, here's a gift here. Let me, let me encourage you. Let me get you in the mix. When I first started my business, I trained 19 people for free for three months, 19 people for free, 19 people. They're like, wait a minute. I didn't even, I didn't have a card. I didn't call myself. I didn't do nothing. I said, I just see people in the gym when I'm there. At that time I did not own my own and I said, I want to help you. Some people are good. I'm good. I used to be on the football team. I'm good. No dog. If I can help you, I will. Sure enough slowly but surely people started coming toward me and that's how it all got started. One of the ways it got started in my head thinking, wow, I just was trying to help people. Right. And here come bam. Here's me now explain as well, where is Jay? Nick's training Academy. And if someone is not in the Los Angeles area but they're coming to visit. Yes. When? When should they come as there like are early in the morning. They morning. I'm so glad you said that people are swinging through Los Angeles. Genetics is in receipt of California on receivable Lavard. Right. And I could challenge anybody if you want a good training session for 30 minutes. I challenge anybody come through. We have a gym, not just some balls and a band. We have a whole gym. Right. And we own it. So the biggest piece is if a person wants to get a really good training session, we are in receipt of California. Nice. Okay, beautiful. And are you on Instagram or how can they follow you? Thank you. Thank you for saying that and see, I still got to get used to that part. Okay. Uh, I'm on Instagram. Um, my name is Jay night's training Academy. Um, and you just Google, I mean go under that and you'll pull up my Instagram. So, perfect. All right. Go follow him. Now what I loved is you have a story. Yes. And this as I was watching some YouTube videos on you this I found this video. Yeah. Um, and there is a news anchor at Fox, uh, called Tony MacEwan. That's correct. And so he is telling a story of how you guys first met. Yes. And it involves, I don't want to, can you tell that story because I want other people to hear it. Right. It was incredible. Right. Well, how we first met was I was washing cars, washing cars at the Fox lot and I kept seeing him and seeing him. He would come out and have his bag and have watched Larson Mercedes. I go over mr McKeown. He was like, who are you? Why are you calling me? Mr McEwen, what do you want? I'm like, I don't want any vague, you know, I just respected the man that was on TV, if you will, and being homeless, you know, you just kind of be like, Hey, you know, you just don't want no trouble. You don't want them to create no waves, but I was committed to what I was doing and one day he said to me, he said, what do you do as well? I wash cars, mr McEwen. He said, no, you do something more than watch cars. And sure enough, I said, well, I, I know how to train people. He say, really? As I build champions. He said, what is, you seem very confident. He says, you're going to see I go to the gym. I said, Oh yeah, I know. I can see what you're, we can work on your chest a little bit more. We can work on your shoulders. He took it as a personal challenge. I said, well, no, I'm just telling you if you want a real rounded physique. Yeah, sure enough jumped into it. And from that day to now to now, he still is a client and a good friend and that's it. So incredible. Um, and I think the fact that, you know, as he was telling the story, like the other newscasters were getting choked up and being like, wait, you guys have had this long standing friendship and it all started from him, him and watching a car and being able to get, what I would say in business a lot of times is that first client yes. To be able to make the jump into, uh, an area that you want to, one of the most difficult things is finding that first person that will give you that opportunity that's coming out of that one. Was there anything in that experience that you think looking back helped make that transition happen or that opportunity to happen? Was it the respect? Was it the fact that you are, you talk to him where other people wouldn't have well, I think from that moment, I think what happened for me was he liked the fact that I treated him as a person. Most people look at you as what you make or what you drive or what they can get, right? I just looked at him and said, do you want to build physique? And he said yes. I said, well, let's look at what you're doing. Most people get pushed away when they see a guy who's already in some decent shape, they get pushed back. I want to look at the inner man. I want to talk about the things you're not talking about, right? I want to know why you're not at your best, best, right? I want to find that out. Once I find that out, now we're on the same page. Cause you you, you know, now I'm talking to you not trying to sell anything from you or to you. So once, I think when that first piece happened, Tony was able to relax and say, you know what? I'm going to start to trust this guy. So, which brings up my first point. Trust. You got to build trust with people. They got to know. You can't say, trust me. They have to earn. You have to earn that trust. So when you earn that trust and people say, you know what, I'll give you a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more. And that's how I started to manifest. Man, that's crazy. So the topic that I wanted to talk about today was, you know, you've had this business for 30 years, which is incredible. I mean, I think the odds are against most businesses in the stats where they're like, you know, 80% of them fail in the first five or five years and you know, another 80% well you'll be out of business by 10. And I mean, the fact that you've done this for 30 years means you're doing something right. Yes. And you have learned some lessons along the way. So I mean, what, you know, after you had the first client, what inspired you to then go on and create genetics? Well, I've gotta tell you one of the biggest pieces, uh, was when Tony and I were talking one day and he said to me, he didn't even know I was homeless. He had no idea. Not, that wasn't something, you go around telling people, hi, I'm homeless. Um, I wanted to earn his trust and I want him to know just because he had money, I wasn't here trying to beg and bum. Right. I wanted to give you my best, whatever that looked like. I wanted to give that to you. And Tony saw that and he said to me one day, sit man, you know what Jay, you have such a gift, bro. You have such a gift. You really need to touch other people. Cause I see one thing about you that no one sees us. It was that you say you care. You actually give a damn. And I said, no, I do. He said, well, no, you don't have to tell me that I see it. So I started working in the gym, I mean in the gym at that time, training people. And then from there I started, I went to university Santa Monica. Start learning how to understand, uh, different workshops on building self confidence and building a life coaching, building people from the inside building and understanding my own thing. One of the things I love about work is when you have to do it first, right? You have to go in here first. And once I'd done that, it really started to put things in perspective for me. Some people that you think look phenomenal, they're dealing with stuff on the inside, cause you've got to keep it going. How many people, you know, lost 20 pounds gained and gain 50 back? They're dealing with something. That's why it tends to circle the callback, right? So once I started doing that number, like Tony said to me, he said, man, you really should do this for a living. I'm like, bro, can I tell you something? What? I'll do anything for a living. I was washing cars. What are you talking about? He said, man, no, but this is your gift. I really truly believe this is your gift. And now as I kept doing it, I'm like, you know what? People were hurting. And that's when it starts to manifest. You know what's so fascinating is, you know, if you look back 30 years ago, that was before the iPhone. It was before YouTube and social media. Like none of those existed in the principle of focusing on people. Now in today's age, I still feel like couldn't be more critical. Yes. A lot of people just think, well, I'll just, they forget that there's another person that they're engaging with through these devices and that's such a core element in running a business. Well, can you run us through some of the biggest lessons that you have learned in 30 30 years in business? Like I imagine there was a lot, but where is a lot? What would be some of kind of the top ones? One of the biggest lessons is always be on time. Okay. Always be on time. I mean, I think you would almost think that's not a principle, but it is. Be ready to work, be ready to work, stand your word, be consistent. So many people are not consistent. They go hard for a month, boom, they fall off. Okay. But as far as business goes, I'm that. I'm that staple that's in their life. They know he's there, it's 4:00 AM but he's there. Wait a minute, he's there. Well, we'll call him know he's there. Right. That's something that people can, can adhere to. And also another piece is make sure when you say something you follow through. Okay. If you don't say when you say something and you don't do it, you teach yourself. Your word means nothing. That makes sense. So you teach herself Asama clean the house and I just don't do it. You teach yourself your word. It means nothing, right? So when things come out of your mouth, they don't mean anything. So there's no gravity, if that makes sense. So the biggest thing I learned in my business is you have, if you tell the person in 90 days, they will look completely different. You better make sure that happens. I mean, by hook or by crook and I'm working with people's body, their minds, their feelings, uh, past relationships, hurts, upsets. And that changes weekly and daily, right? So I had to learn how to harness that, right? And to teach people base on them. I never train a group. I train one person in the group, if that makes sense. Okay. So when people try to just put them all in a room and say, okay, I've got$20 from this one 20 from that when they miss something, they miss something. There's something going on in you that you didn't talk about today. And I can see it out of your eye and there's something going over here and I can see it out of that eye because that's what makes that person say, I felt like I was the only one in that room. That guy was talking to me. I was, I really was talking to you. Okay. So I think in, in retrospect, just to give you a small bird's eye view as what I learned, you have to stay people-friendly stay connected. Now what I'll tell you what I'm learning now is how to do the social media piece because so many people out in front of me with that, if you will, I've never had to talk about, uh, uh, uh, Anton Fuqua or a social media who I work with or put content up. What is that? I can I just do my job? Yeah. No. If you don't do it, people don't even know you exist. So that's something that I'm learning today that I'm dealing with. Ah, okay. Yeah. I mean, I love it. It's so much has changed. I mean, walk us through a, a question I would have would be competition. Yes. Right. You know, I would think, at least in my life, you know, it seems like there is now gyms on every corner, there's a lot more options. There is apps that can do stuff. You know, competition is changing all the time. What have you learned over 30 years in regards to competition and really defining what the business is that have helped you survive? Well, I appreciate you saying that because it there is, it was a time that was no such thing as competition in what I did and I believe it to this day, there is no such thing in a competition of what I do. I believe that today because I'm not competing against anybody. Lowe's, my customers happy. Right. Put it this way. Does Donald Trump, and I'm not trying to be political compete with bill Gates? No. Well we both billionaires right? If your business is asphalt, McDonald's don't care that burger Kings doing well. Burger King don't care. McDonald's doing well, right? We're both doing well. It's only when it's competition, when you're not doing well and the other person is now there's a competition, but that there is not what I offer and what I bring to market. No one brings that right. You ever, I don't know if you've ever driven in a rolls Royce. Okay. You ever drive any other car? It's not like a rolls Royce, just not right. And Rose, Rose and bang, I've got this competition. Well, no, if you want a Rose, you want a Rose. So one of the things I've learned in, I never put myself in a box like that. Oh competition. I've got gotta watch my dude. You'll be chasing something that's not real. Right? It's your cut and unit. It takes you out of what you should be doing. I'm so focused on the competition or the other guy. I'm forgetting about the person in front of me and that's one thing I won't do. What would you say would be some of your tips or advice on keeping customers right? Like this? It's, you know, with so many choices, so many options. Yes. What are some of the things that you have done that have allowed customers to stay loyal and continue to use you versus going to other options? Yes. Well, put it this way, the biggest piece is, like I said, the how I started my business. I never let that shift throughout the business, throughout the transaction. Always be on time and keep your word. Why would you want to leave? What I do when you drop 80 pounds? Why would you want to leave? What I do when you be encouraged all the time, why would you want to leave? What I do when I started on time all the time. And you're out in 30 minutes all the time and every time you see another person looks better, you look better at another person look better. You look better. Where are you going? Where are you going? Yeah. Okay. And that's what I've learned. I never put myself in a box because I had to realize once I opened the doors, this is it. Okay. You gotta be what you are. You can't switch with the times. Like you hear people all eat yogurt. Back in the 80s. It was a big thing about eating the, what does it for breakfast? The coffee and the uh, Oh, oat bran muffin. Okay. That was a huge diet. And just before that it was, it was the, uh, cutting the, uh, uh, what does that thing and um, uh, the, uh, was the fruit a grapefruit. It was a great fruit with a little sugar on it, right? That was the breakfast. Right? And every time people kept saying to me, when are we going to do that? I'm like, we're never gonna do that. That's never going to work. You need to eat food, food, and food. Right. Those are trends. They come and they go, right. I don't believe in that. I say less have a staple. Everybody needs water. Everybody needs sleep. Everybody needs consistently love recognition and they need to move their bodies and they need to see results. That's the piece that's missing you. When you see results, where are you going? Okay. You never seen a person trade from a team. That's a number one. All right, I'm going to team number 17 no. What are you going? I'm in the top. I'm at the top. Who's going to quit now? No one. So that's how, and again, you don't keep people loyal. They want to be there. Right? You create an environment to where, wait a minute, everything you said is happening. Every single thing. So either it is or it isn't. I like my teacher. She said, either you agree or you disagree. That's it. Okay. So when I teach and I, and I work with people, they see it and again, we share the responsibility. Some people like, well, you're not looking at it because it was you and you're not. No, we share it. What? What? What did I miss? What did I miss? What? Maybe I didn't teach you something. Maybe I didn't show or maybe I didn't make that plain to you. Say, sometimes I'll repeat myself 51 times. I'm okay. As long as you win. Once right. That bell size drops. Yeah. That confidence drop. Yeah. That's the key.
Speaker 1:Are there any internet tools that you have used or have become critical to running the business? Um, in terms of, you know, kind of anything and over the course of 30 years, I mean 30 years ago I imagine most of what we did was cash. Yes. Maybe a couple of credit cards, but you know, there was a time where there wasn't a lot of that. Now it's, you know, mobile phones, payment processing, you know. Are there any tools that you've found are very critical for running the business that you're like, man, you know, email marketing or social media that are really now essential to, you know, the business continuing to run and be, be successful?
Speaker 3:Yes. Well definitely. Um, uh, I G uh, Instagram, definitely having a page there and also having my own personal page as far as the gym goes. Um, having that page and also having word of mouth, I still believe in word of mouth. Cause how do people find you? I mean you could put, it's hundreds of people sending DMS and all the half the people don't even talk to you back. Right. But when you have a person say, Hey, I want you to go to J J really? What's his name? Or just say somebody saying, Oh I'm a Google. You right. And bam you pop up. It's like Whoa, what is this? I've had people now I understand when people come to your location is to tag them. I, I'm still kind of behind the time a little bit. But to tag them, well certain people came to my establishment, I never tagged them cause I didn't know I was supposed to do that or have my people do that. So now that's an instrument tagging people in that has 17,000 followers or 200,000 followers and they're like, who is this guy? Right. And that's how I'm getting noticed now too. Cause some people are like, man I never heard of you before. I'm like probably not. I'm an overnight success after 30 years. No, you have to do the work. So I'm learning how to work with this technology. I'm learning how to work with it. Nothing. One of the biggest pieces is getting on shows like this one, which is great. And being able for people to see me talk to you, see what you're about and get a little insight into you. Because again, we're selling ourselves, right? At the end of the day, people buy your stuff because of you. That's why it all got started. Okay. Because of you, your dream, your passion and the things you wanted to do. So people, when they get a chance to see me and they talk to me, which they never done before, and if you look at most of my Instagram stuff, I'm a behind the camera encouraging somebody else and it's like, dude, I who is the guy? Never see a space, right? Or never see him in word. So I'm slowly happened to flip that because it didn't used to do that before. I mean, think about Denzel, you don't ever see Denzel driving in his car with the window down and the back license plate says dental Washington. You don't see that. Why? Because he's like, man, I'm just doing my work. It's just a different job, if that makes sense. So my job is about building other people. Well, why would I be talking about myself? So that was a transition I had to make with the social media piece.
Speaker 1:Love it. You know, it is powerful and there've been a lot of studies on the power of word of mouth. It is the number one form of marketing, but it's the most difficult to be able to achieve. And it usually comes out of results. Performance. Yes. People believe in the company or they believe in what's happening out of it. And once you can win over someone, yes, they will then tell their friends. And it's like you've done the entire battle once you've won a customer over where they're like, this is where you need to go or use this business. Right. Um, it's, it's hard to do, but, uh, when it's done right and it's done correctly and it generally focuses around trying to create something that's great and wonderful. Yes. Or improve someone else's life and focusing on the customer first. And that is a byproduct of it. It's, it's just incredible to see. Um, how that works. Um, you were quoted saying money should not be the motivator. That's correct. Can you walk us through your, your thoughts on that and where you came from? Start a business
Speaker 3:thinking about how much money they're gonna make. Right. And then when they don't see they're making that money, the enthusiasm goes away too. Right? So what I've learned is wait a minute, what do you love to do? Right. I mean love not like not good or I'm doing it cause my parents know, what do you love to do?
Speaker 1:You say love. Would this be that you could do without making any money? Right? Like you would still do it anyway.
Speaker 3:I did it for free. I did it for free. Dude, you did that for free. I did it for free. I didn't even know I could charge. I didn't even know what to charge 30 years ago. What do you charge? Uh, I don't know. How do you charge for that? Okay. Who sets the price for training? I mean, when you think about or adviser teaching, I mean even when you go to counseling, they have like a, a set rate or, Oh, hold already. I'm great on a scale. I mean, you're really crazy. All right. That's gonna be 500 for you. Oh, you're not too great. There are 200. I mean, how do you charge for that? So one of the biggest things that I've learned is making sure that, um, when you, um, bring the question back, you get out, I've got all the money, shit my money, she'll get him out of it. The biggest piece was understanding I love doing this. Right. And I would do it for free, right? I, I'll, I'll quote something that I heard by Tyson say, and he said to Larry Holmes, the headway champion and world, my Tyson young guy getting ready to fight for the title to take that title. And Larry Holmes said, Hey man, you're just here for the purse. And he said, actually, no, Mr. Holmes, I'll fight you in your yard for free right now. Think about that statement. Okay, wait, here's millions of dollars. No, no, no. I'll do it in your yard and your yard. Pro-free he already knew I'm about to get whipped. Right. When somebody will take nothing to work with you, you're like, wait a minute. He either has compassion for me, likes me, or he really believes what he's talking about. So that's where I'm at.
Speaker 1:I love that. My favorite Mike Tyson quote is, he's like, everyone has a plan until you start getting punched in the face. And I was liked that.
Speaker 3:Uh, um, what are,
Speaker 1:you know, what would be some of your secrets for reaching new customers today? You know, well, how are you, you know, you're, you're growing. Uh, what are some of the ways that you found that work best for you to be able to get in front of new people?
Speaker 3:Well, one of the things that I've, I've learned that works best is just getting out there. People, letting them, letting them see me. And then I have a book that I normally bring with me. I didn't bring it today, but I used to take pictures of everyone of my clients. So I have a before and after book went over 300 pictures in it. So when I can get in front of a room or get in front of ladies or in front of programs in front of people, the first thing they want to know is, okay, I hear you, but let me see what the work you do. Right? So I do know social media really helps with that. Uh, I do know that when you, word of mouth is so strong, uh, when a person says, if you've got the right organization, like here you are the owner of this company, somebody told you about me, like I'm going to get you on the show. That's how it works. Now I'm in front of what, 10,000 people, 5,000 people. Whereas before I wouldn't have had that, right? I'm no different whether I'm in 10,000 people or two people. I'm the same guy, but nobody knew about me. Nobody knows. So the biggest piece is get out in front of people. Get out there, talk about what you do and you be your example.
Speaker 1:What I love about what you just said is you are proud of your results. The testimonials and part of you signing up when a new person comes in is you're like, you're going in 90 days. This is like the time is ticking. This is day one. In 90 days we're taking a photo and it's going in this book. So they're up there a part of the journey. They're, they're owning it. Um, and I think in terms of, a lot of times, at least what I've seen is business owners can be timid about tooting their own horn about, Hey, I'm great. Or look at all the results. Like they're busy doing the work. You know, what would your advice be on like you need to always show your results or get those testimonials or take the photos, you know, the before and after. Like that's such a great tip. Yes. What would you recommend for other business owners? Like always do it or
Speaker 3:I would say you always do it. Always do it. Hey, who's going to talk about you but you who's going to do it? Right. McDonald's will go pay a company to put them on TV. Right? Well I'm cooking burgers. I'm doing. Yeah, but you got to let us know. Right? So if you don't let people know in this day and age, right, they, they'll something else pop up and then something else would pop up. So you gotta make sure your stand is there as well. You say, Hey, I sell fruit too. Okay. And we have a Thursday night. We have this. If you don't talk about it, you can get lost. Think about it. Have you ever forgot the word tide washing dishwasher? I mean I was at tide laundry detergent. Yeah. You've never forgotten it. But how many, how long have they had the commercial? Have you ever forgotten there's a thing called Coca-Cola, right? Okay. You, you, you'll never forget that it's on a cup. It's on a truck. It's in some, it's somehow in front of you. Well those people have done something successful and I've learned from that. Like wait a minute, dude, it's written. Dundon do. Why you keep saying Jay netics, why you keep saying, cause who else is going to say right after a while when the audience starts saying it, the audience and the say it with their money. They said with their posts, they said what they're showing up. They said, uh, with staying with you. They said now in referral, right? That's how the audience started. Said so you have to say it. And I had to learn that I didn't know that I had to learn. Dude, you got to talk. See I come from the era of the, uh, Michael Jackson and Prince. You know, you just did your thing and walked off stage, right? It's like now you can't do that. People want to know what, what, what? So how are you doing, uh, what's going on with you for years? I don't know if you knew Michael Jackson. Prince never did an interview. Just never did one. Forget it for why I'm not doing an interview, but prints, we need to know a little bit more about you because your audience is starting to drift away. They love your music, but there's other music. I like your sound, but there's other sounds, right? I like your swag, but there's other swags so you have to get out in front and people that, you know what? I relate to him. I like him. Right? And that's what they've done in genetics. It's such a good example. Um, why do you believe are some of the core qualities of a successful business owner? And there can be so many. Yes, but I mean, can you narrow it down to some of the ones, I mean, you've mentioned a couple already, but is there anything else that you're like, you've got to have this or a couple of elements in regards to running a business in today's day and age, right? Well what number one, you got to have patience. Okay. I think so many people just kind of step over patients, dude, you gotta you gotta slow down. Okay, I want it today. We've got to get this done, dude. Slow down. Okay. Don't get ahead of yourself. Right? It's coming. Right? So I have a teacher one time said people always have time to do it. Over, but they never have time to do it right the first time. Yeah. Right. So slow down. Okay. Uh, is one of the biggest pieces I've learned to just take it one day at a time. It's coming. Right? But don't rush yourself and then don't put added pressure. A lot of times, businessmen, we put added pressure. Dude, I got to get this out because if I don't that this guy's going to stop that. Stay in your lane. Okay, focus on you, right? And when you are happy, your business is happy. Think about it. If you come in here and you're the owner and you're not feeling really up to it ever, Hey, are you okay if the energy kind of floats down? Okay. One of the things to suit, you've got to keep that energy up. How do you do that? You're human being. Things come at you every day, all day, all the time. You've got to keep it up. So you got to stay seasoned. You got to stay enjoyable. You've got to have a spiritual sense. You've got to have focus. You got to have a good diet and good nutrition. Good sleep. Absolutely. So that way you can perform. I love it when the airplane says, when you're on the airplane, they say, Hey, when that mask comes down, put yours on first. Yeah, no, no. The lady beside me is older. No, no. Put yours on first. Right now you can have the lady beside you. So you got to take business owners have to take good care of themselves. I really believe the best diets, the best training, the best food, they have to be the best. Think about it. When Denzel goes on a, on a, on a set, they don't miss. Treat him. Think about it. Mr. Washington[inaudible] Oprah goes on, says, Ms. Henry, what do you want? They're not mistreating him out in the back. Where's your, I don't have a trailer now is out there and truck. They sit down and truck to we come to you. They would never do that. They treat them like royalty. Why? Because they're about to do something right now that's going to build those all up are in their craft. They're in their craft. And that's one of the things I think that we need to do as business owners. Stay in your crap. Sharpen it. Okay. Refine it. Get committed to it, stay committed to it. Right? And stay in your lane. Don't do something because somebody else is doing it. I mean, there's a lot of people who do, you know, they have babysitting in their plays and this and that. I'm like, great. Too many irons in the fire, right? Which one's getting hot, right? People want the hot one. Gimme the hot one. Watch what, what, what can you deliver? And a lot of people come to me because they're saying he is so committed to that what he does, he is so committed to that person to that result to that change. He is so committed that brings them up. Yeah. What, um, you know, you mentioned something earlier
Speaker 1:in regards to kind of life and balance, right? That there's multiple points and usually what happens is when one does really good, yes, another one can fall out. Um, and that's just a natural part of life. But I know that that's something that sometimes business can be doing great, but they're not going to the gym and they're not taking care of their body or they're in the gym every day, but maybe their financials or their family may not be in the best scenario. What do you, what advice would you have for people in regards to kind of finding that
Speaker 3:perfect sort of balance in life? I would say too, I, I've learned this. You get some alone time, right? You get some alone time. I have a little mirror. I don't have it with me today. I have a little mirror that I carry and I, and I get in that mirror and I said, now I gotta ask you some questions, right? We're so scared to self reflect. They're like, Oh no, that's me. You can't lie to you buddy. Right? And if you can't, you can't do it long. Okay. Don't turn the mirror down when it sounded scary, like tournament. No, look at it the whole time. One of the things I learned is you have to do self reflection. You have to take a moment and say, okay now wait, was that right? Right. And if you lose concept of right or wrong, right? Ask somebody, right? But the number one thing is self-reflect. You got to self-reflect, you've got to go in there and say what's what's going on in here today, right? You gotta beat what I call the self counseling if you will. You've got to go in there and say what's going in here today? You know what? I don't really feel up to it cause he, you could have a conversation with yourself that nobody hears, right? But self-reflect is the number one thing is to bring that balance back because we all, as businessmen, you get so busy beat down through the day doing what you have to do. How do I self-reflect? When do I do what I, I mean I'm driving, I got to go here. I'm late. No take a moment. Slip in the bathroom, shut the stall or in the car self-reflect. Don't start the car. I'll close my eyes. Sometimes I'll put the mirror up. Sometimes I'll take a moment and say, you know what self, where are we at? Come on. How'd you go? Sometime you gotta be your own cheerleader. In other words, that's,
Speaker 1:that's a fantastic analogy right there at the end, you've got to be your own cheerleader. Correct. And I think, man, it's a good tip because it can be difficult sometimes because a lot of times in business you are trying to solve other problems focused on other people. Um, and really it generally it comes back to you and I, I think it's okay to be your own cheerleader and to, and to focus on that. Absolutely. Um, well as we kind of come to a close here, do you have any final words of advice for other business owners or people listening in, um, that maybe are running a business and they're wanting to get it to where it survives for 30 years or they may be just starting a business out from scratch?
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Let me, let me say this as final words. I didn't know my business would be here for 30 years. Let's just say it across the board. I didn't say, Oh, I'm going to be doing it. Okay. Doing what? Okay. If you focus on the day to day, look at my days, they've turned into 30 years. Look at my days. Okay. If your day is good, your week is good, your week is good, your month is good, your month is good, your year is good. That's how I've done it. One day at a time. I have a friend of mine that's in the program, he's AA and he's sober 30 years and I said, Oh my God, 30 years you never had a drink and I didn't know nothing about it. I've never drank a day in my life. But he said, dude, I've never had another drink with 30 years. I said, that's incredible. He said, what do you mean you've never even drank before? I'm like, I know, but my gotta be told somebody not eat a cookie for 30 years. They pass out. They run out of the room. Right. Okay. He said, 30 years. I said, how did you do that, bro? He said, one day at a time. I said, that's it for the rest of my life. I'm going to do everything one day at a time, because if it's in my lane and in where I'm at, it'll take me where I'm going. 30 years later, no drink, 30 years later, I'm shocked. I've been in business for 30 years, right? I don't sit there and I'm 29 years and I'm not. I'm not sitting there doing that. Right. I'm just grateful. I'm just like you. I get up, I got to get ready for the day, and I got things going on. I'm not sitting here like, yeah, but I gotta make it the 35 years. No, I'm thinking about today, bro. That's it. That's all. Okay. So it's about one day at a time. These new business owners, letting everybody know, stay in your lane. Be amazing at what you do. Not mediocre, not decent, or I'm pretty good at it. No. Be amazing. Own it. Because if you don't own it, who else will? Right? So one of the things that I've learned is always keep that first, first and foremost in your life. Find something that's greater than you, right? That you can go to, whether it be a counselor, God, whatever you want to choose. I choose the Lord. But in my case, I say, what's greater than me? I have to go talk to it, right? Cause and I have to leave stuff at, at its feet, if you will. So I've trued, I've turned to God. So that's why I say I constantly tell new business owners, you gotta be taken care of. You're the star, bro. You really aren't. I'm not saying start with Eller arrogance and all this stuff that comes with it. You have to be treated phenomenal so you can treat phenomenal. I wonderful quoting the Bible says, as you give a shall be given unto you. I love that quote because as you give, if you don't have nothing to give, how's it gonna be given to you? Or if you Shadi or shoddy, it'll be given back to you. Shoddy. Right? So I give my best, right? And I demand the best back. But if you don't deliver, I still date, gave my best. Right? Business owners, give your best, stay committed. Stay in your lane. Stay. Stay taking care of yourself. Self-reflect. Stay in that place of power. Self power meant not power over people, but empowerment. The power that I gave you was meant to bless other people. So many people get an empowerment. No, no, no, no, no. You missed it and powering you so you can empower others. That's what empowerment means. So for business owners, that's one of the biggest keys I learned. Hi Jay. Such wonderful examples, wonderful advice. Um, it's fantastic. I have you on here. Anyone who's listening, if you are passing through the Los Angeles area, go check out genetic training Academy, six six, four, eight receipts. Come by and see us, man. You will love it. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. Make sure you eat before you come. If you don't, you might toss your cookies forever. Go. Well, thank you guys so much for listening in and we'll catch you on the next episode.
Speaker 2:Thank you for listening to the Duke of digital podcast with Brian Mitt. Want to network with other business owners. Join our exclusive group at facebook.com/groups/duke of digital fancy the Duke. Leave a five star review on your favorite podcast app, and you can be mentioned on the show. The Duke of digital was produced by advertisement and recorded in Hollywood, California. All rights reserved.